First Post - EDTECH 537


My name is Hannah Fast and this is my first post for the class EDTECH 537: Blogging in the Classroom. For the past four years I have been teaching in an elementary school in a classroom of highly capable students. Next year I am moving to middle school to teach algebra and advanced algebra/trigonometry. I have taught middle school math in the past so I am excited to be returning to it.

Not only am I passionate about math, but I also love using technology in the classroom. I am always looking for new tools to try out with my students and always willing to help other teachers implement technology into their classroom. This is why I decided to get my master's degree in educational technology from Boise State.

I am new to blogging but it is something I have always wanted to try. I am looking forward to sharing lessons and tools that I use in my classroom as well as collaborating and learning from others. I'm not sure how I could incorporate blogging into a mathematics classroom at this point but I am excited to give it a try!


  1. Welcome to EDTECH537 Hannah! I look forward to working with you over the next seven weeks.

    1. Thanks! I am looking forward to this class too.

  2. Hi Hannah! Congrats on the new job, I'm sure you'll have a great adventure!

    My friend Meagan is a math teacher who blogs frequently. She just got an admin job, but I'm sure she will continue to share resources. Check out her blog:

    1. Thank you for the suggestion. I will definitely check out her blog!

  3. Do you think that EdTech tools make it easier for students who struggle with Math?

    1. I do! I think EdTech tools can give immediate feedback which is so important for math.


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