Thoughts on "Preservice English Teachers and Technology"

 I really connected to the reading, "Preservice English Teachers and Technology: A Consideration of Weblogs for the English Classroom." When I signed up to take this class, I was teaching 5th grade. I was looking for ways to engage students with analyzing the books that they are reading. I have done book clubs, reading journals, etc. I was thinking that blogging may be something that would get kids excited about writing about reading. This article confirmed that it could be a great tool in an English classroom.

The thing I am struggling with now is that I am no longer going to be teaching elementary and am now moving to a middle school math classroom. I am not sure how I could incorporate blogging into that classroom. Maybe I could have students write their own word problems, post them, and then other students could solve them and put their answer in the comments. I'm not sure this is a meaningful way to use blogs though. The article said that there should be, "an effort to meaningfully incorporate technology into the English methods classroom, a way to answer the 'what' as well as the 'why.'" I'm still trying to think of how I could incorporate blogging in a powerful way. A way that would lead to good writing and discussions.


  1. Hannah, as you start to gain some readership here - and followers on Twitter - you could also use these mediums to try and get ideas on how to incorporate blogging into a middle school classroom.

    1. Thanks for the tip! I will definitely be on the lookout for others who are using blogging in a middle school classroom.

  2. Hi Hannah, one possibility could be having your students use a blog as self-reflection. Asking them the question "What did you find most challenging about this unit, and what did you do/use to understand it?" This way your students will be able to share strategies on what works best for them.

  3. I looked up math blogs and found "Top 100 Math Blogs for Students and Mathematics Teachers." ( Perhaps some blogs can give you an idea?

    1. Thanks for sharing! I actually already looked at that same resource and got a couple ideas from it.


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